Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Srivastav

Executive Director, Centre for Business Innovation, Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad

Rajendra Srivastava is the Former Dean of the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the Novartis Professor of Marketing strategy and Innovation. He comes with an experience of over 30 years as an academic and administrator. He has held several tenured faculty and administrative positions during his career. Before joining the ISB, he was Provost and Deputy President of Academic Affairs at Singapore Management University.

His research interests include Marketing Strategy, Marketing Metrics, and Brand/Customer Management. His current work focuses on Business Model Innovations, especially in Services, B2B, Technology and Emerging Markets. He is best known globally, for his work on measuring the impact of market-facing business processes (innovation, supply-chain and customer management), that create value for customers, and the value of market-based assets (customers, channels, brands and value networks). He is also well known for his work in competitive market structures and brand equity/strategic brand management. His latest research and teaching interests also include Strategic Performance Management, Marketing Accountability and Driving Growth and Shareholder Value.

Rajendra Srivastava is a highly cited scholar with work published in leading marketing journals. He is also the recipient of several awards and honours. He has been actively involved in setting up several new postgraduate and doctoral programmes as well as research centres and initiatives in close collaboration with industry. He has also been involved in consulting and senior management training with global MNCs and brings a unique blend of experiences integrating academic and business perspectives from the west and the east. He is committed to cross-functional integration in management of business processes and has championed inter-disciplinary research and academic programmes, and has nurtured multi-disciplinary areas of excellence in financial markets, innovation and business analytics.

Prior to SMU he held distinguished research chairs and senior management positions at the University of Texas at Austin and Emory University in Atlanta.