Conceptualized by academic thought leader Shri. Rahul V Karad in collaboration with several American and Indian Higher Education leaders, Confederation of Indian Private Universities (CIPU) emerged as an outcome of several rounds of discussions and brainstorming with stakeholders in the Higher Education ecosystem. This took the shape of the first formal dialogue in 2022 when more than 25 American and 30 Indian thought leaders met in Washington D.C. Building on the successful deliberations in Washington, more than 70 leading Private Universities met in Pune in January 2023 to take forward the mission.

CIPU is a not-for-profit member driven body that works and advocates for the promotion and interests of the tertiary, higher education, and University levels in various national and international forums.

The organisation will work closely with the Government and Education Entrepreneurs to ensure that the needs and concerns of higher education institutions are heard and addressed in policy making. CIPU also collaborates with international organisations and associations to promote the internationalization of higher education and to enhance the global reputation of the sector

The Confederation serves as a unifying force, providing a platform for member institutions to exchange ideas, share best practices, and collectively address challenges facing the higher educational landscape. It also provides a platform for consensus building and networking on key issues.


  • To make India, the knowledge capital of the world and reestablish our credentials as the Vishwa Guru in the 21st Century


  • Sharing of intellectual capital, among the Universities
  • Act as a bridge builder between Private Universities and Government (both the state and central government) in policy intervention
  • Collaboration with various national and international Universities/bodies/institutions
  • Help member institutions towards internationalization
  • To facilitate pedagogical excellence through training programs
  • To create an ecosystem for research and innovation
  • To facilitate industry-academia collaborations

Our Journey

Visioning Workshop 2022

June 2022, Washington D.C

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Strategizing & Transforming Higher Education in India

January 2023, Pune

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Vice Chancellors' Meet 2024

January 2024, Pune


Video Bytes From Academic Leaders

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